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Can CH SHR Fawnhaven Mischief Maker Delphi CD SH RN WC CGC Can CD/JH/WC


3/14/02 - 1/1/17

Murphy @ 10.5 Years Old 7/8/12

Murphy was a sweet fun boy who had a gusto for life.  He was an optimist whose glass was always filled to the brim, and his enthusiasm was infectious, which made it impossible not to smile when greeted by this happy boy.  He was an outstanding working dog who lived for fieldwork and retrieving birds.  He was shown sporadically, and he thrilled us at the 2012 PSLRA KISS Specialty by winning Best Veteran in Show from the 9-11 class under breeder judge David Hopkinson (Rocheby).  At the end of the day though, Murphy was a beloved companion and cookie monster extraordinaire.  He lived an active, full life and crossed over the rainbow bridge 1/1/17, just shy of his 15th birthday.  He was deeply loved and is terribly missed.  See a Tribute to Murphy here.


"I love thee,

I love thee with a love that shall not die

Till the sun grows cold and the stars grow old."

~William Shakespeare


AKC Certified Pedigree

AKC Registration: SR00596104

CKC ERN: ERN23002111

UKC Registration: R165-837

Microchip: 054 558 853

Breeder: Keith and Janice Anderson

Owner: Darlene Pado



Murphy's OFA Page

Hips: OFA Good LR-154954G42M-VPI

Elbows: OFA Normal LR-EL28506M42-VPI

Heart: Normal - Cardiologist LR-CA1857/44M/C-VPI

Eyes: ACVO Clear @ 8 Weeks and Annually - LR-EYE2197/174M-VPI

Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA/prcd): Carrier (Optigen)

Retinal Dysplasia/OSD (RD/OSD): Clear (Optigen)

Exercise Induced Collapse (EIC): Clear (U of MN)

Centronuclear Myopathy (CNM): Clear (Alfort)

Degenerative Myelopathy (DM): Clear (DDC)

Hereditary Nasal Parakeratosis (HNPK): Clear (Animal Genetics)

D Locus (Dilute): D/D - Non Dilute - Clear (DDC)

Coat Color: bbEe: Chocolate Carrying Yellow (Vetgen)

Full Dentition

Murphy 8/24/06

Photo by Barb Sheard

Murphy @ 14.4 Years Old at Pacific City, OR 8/29/16

My "Grand Old Man"

Murphy 2/2/13 at Discovery Park, Seattle

Photo by Mindy Wilson

Murphy 2/2/13 at Discovery Park, Seattle

Photo by Mindy Wilson

Murphy 11/23/10

Murphy 2/16/08

Murphy 8/15/09

Murphy 2/16/08

Show Highlights​

Murphy was shown on a limited basis as his true love was field work.  He finished his Canadian Championship 3/23/06 and was shown in AKC primarily to support our club, PSLRA.  Murphy had a tendency to be quite proud of his tail, which did not help him at AKC shows (he also suffered a hock sprain in 2008 that impacted his movement for a while), but he did have some nice class wins at specialties.  He settled down as he got older and had a very nice veteran career, and won Best Veteran in Show in a nice entry at the PSLRA KISS Specialty 2012 under David Hopkinson (Rocheby).


  • 10/4/03-10/5/03: Murphy was owner-handled t0 two "V-1" (Very Excellent-top rating for adult class) ratings towards his IABCA International Championship at the International All-Breed Canine Association (IABCA) shows in Cloverdale, British Columbia.

  • 10/13/03: WD/BOW (owner-handled) at the Fraser Valley Dog Fanciers CKC show under judge Walter Pinsker for his first 3 Canadian points.  Fraser Valley was Murphy's first Canadian show. (3 Points CKC)

  • 11/8/03: Murphy was owner-handled to his third "V-1" rating  at the International All-Breed Canine Association (IABCA) show in Enumclaw, WA under judge Steve Keating.  New IABCA International Champion!

  • 7/29/04: 3rd place in Open Chocolate Dogs at the PSLRA specialty show under breeder judge Janice Pritchard (Charway).

  • 8/5/05: 1st place in Open Chocolate Dogs at the PSLRA specialty show under breeder judge Jill Ickowski (Wiscoy).

  • 9/4/05: WD for 3 CKC points at the Kamloops & District Kennel Club Show under judge Janet Buchanen.  Murphy was RWD at the Kamloops shows 9/2/05 and 9/3/05. (3 Points CKC)

  • 3/23/06: WD/BOW for 4 CKC points at the Oceanside Kennel Club Show under judge Donna Cole. (4 Points CKC) New Canadian Champion!

  • 8/4/06: 3rd place (out of 8 entered, including 4 specials) in All Around Dogs at the PSLRA Specialty Show under breeder judge Lisa Zitting (Snowberry).

  • 7/31/09: 1st place in Open Chocolate Dogs at the PSLRA Specialty Show under breeder judge Jan Grannemann (JanRod).

  • 8/7/10: 2nd place (out of 6) in 7-9 Veteran Sweepstakes at the PSLRA Specialty Show under breeder judge Els Crisafulli (Double Dutch).

  • 8/6/11: 1st place in 9-11 Veteran Dogs at the PSLRA Specialty Show under breeder judge Diane Jones (Jollymuff).

  • 8/3/12: 1st place in 9-11 Veteran Dogs and Best Veteran in Specialty at the PSLRA Specialty Show under breeder judge David Hopkinson (Rocheby).

  • 1/13/13: At the Sammamish Kennel Club Show under breeder judge Pluis Davern (Sundowners), Murphy won his Veteran Dog (10 and Over) class of 1 and was therefore eligible to compete for Best of Breed.  At just shy of 11 years old, Murphy was 1 of 4 dogs (in a BOB class that also included 10 specials, WD and WB) pulled for BOB consideration.  The other 3 dogs were nationally-ranked specials.  He did not win, but we are proud of his joyful spirit and the fact that he could keep up with the youngsters :-).  Here is a link to Murphy showing in his Veteran Class.

  • 8/2/14: 1st place in 9-11 Veteran Sweeps at the PSLRA Specialty Show under breeder judge Brian Proctor (Cambridge).

Murphy Best Veteran in Specialty Show PSLRA 8/3/12

Photo by Randy Roberts


Critique from Marion Hopkinson (Rocheby) who placed Murphy 2nd in the 9-11 class at the PSLRA Specialty Show 8/4/12:


2nd—Fawnhaven Mischief Maker Delphi CD SH RN

 "My notes say—real lab here—such a pleasing head and
expression, total willingness to please, excels on bone, feet
and in superb coat with good undercoat."

Murphy at 4.5 Years Old 9/4/06

Murphy at 7.5 Years Old 7/11/09

Murphy WD Kamloops and District KC 9/4/05

Photo by Martin Hershberg

Murphy Free Stack at 2.5 Years Old 10/04

Field Highlights​

Murphy was an outstanding working dog and set the bar high for all of my other dogs.  He loved field work and had a lot of drive as well as excellent marking ability.  He was extremely biddable and would have been a fun Master dog had he not suffered a serious hock sprain at an obedience trial in early 2008; he recovered after a year of hydrotherapy and acupuncture but was semi-retired from the field.  He still enjoyed training and competing in events, but I chose not to pursue any intense training to ensure he could remain active and do what he loved.  He was still retrieving birds at 14.5 years old.


  • 5/4/03: Murphy earned the 1st leg of his JH title at the PSLRA hunt test under judges were Sharon Hilton and George Tookey.

  • 5/11/03: Murphy earned the 2nd leg of his JH title at the Rainier Hunting Retriever Club's hunt test under judges Shelah Frey and Evelyn Smith.

  • 5/24/03-5/25/03 Murphy went 4-for-4 (all owner-handled) to earn his Junior Hunter (JH) title by qualifying both days at back-to-back hunt tests sponsored by the Oregon Hunting Retriever Club.  The judges on Saturday were Jim Morris and Mike Collson, and the judges on Sunday were John Tate and Bob Lane.  

  • 10/9/04: Murphy earned his Labrador Retriever Club, Inc. Working Certificate (WC) title at the 2004 National Specialty in Mead, CO.  The judges were Dale Brummett and Barb Ironside.

  • 5/5/07: Murphy earned the 1st leg of his SH title at the PSLRA hunt test under judges Marilyn Mark and Kenny Hubach.  Murphy was handled by Butch Higgins.  

  • 7/14/07: Murphy earned the 2nd leg of his Senior Hunter title at the Oregon Retriever Trial Club's hunt test under judges Mary Jo Marttila and Julie Stucker.  Murphy was handled by Butch Higgins.

  • 7/21/07: Murphy earned the 3rd leg of his SH title at the Salem Retriever Trial Club's Hunt Test under judges John Grose and Dave Simon.  Murphy was handled by Butch Higgins.

  • 8/11/07: Murphy finished his Senior Hunter (SH) title at the Rainier Hunting Retriever Club's hunt test under judges Ron Perry and Cindy Meyer.  Huge thanks to Butch Higgins of Parkdale Kennels for the wonderful care and training he gave Murphy.

  • 9/8/07: Murphy was owner-handled to his 5th Senior Hunter pass at the PSLRA Fall Hunt Test under judges Pam Bunnell and Sharon Hilton.

  • 10/6/07: Murphy was owner-handled to his 6th Senior Hunter pass at the Labrador Retriever Club, Inc. National Specialty Hunt Test under judges Joanne Hanscom and Mary Jo Marttila.  This pass helped Murphy earn the Dog For All Reasons Award at the LRC, Inc.  National Specialty.  This award is earned and presented at the Labrador Retriever Club, Inc. National Specialty and is sponsored by the Puget Sound Labrador Retriever Association.

  • 6/20/09: Murphy qualified at the Rainier Hunting Retriever Club's 5-Series.

  • 8/22/09: Murphy earned his CKC Working Certificate (WC) at the British Columbia All Retriever Club's WC/WCI/WCX double header under judges John Hatfield and Lori Little.  

  • 8/22/09: Murphy earned his CKC Working Certificate Intermediate (WCI) at the British Columbia All Retriever Club's WC/WCI/WCX double header under judges were David Oliver Krista Wendland.

  • 9/19/09: Murphy earned the 1st leg of his CKC JH at the Golden Retriever Club of British Columbia's double-header hunt test under judges Ian Hay and Gord McGhie.

  • 9/20/09: Murphy earned the 2nd leg of his CKC JH at the Golden Retriever Club of British Columbia's double-header hunt test under judges David Oliver and Lori Little.

  • 10/3/09: Murphy completed his CKC Junior Hunter (JH) title at the British Columbia Labrador Retriever Club's hunt test under judges Bonnie McGhie and Janet Healy.

  • 6/22/13: Murphy earned his 1st Started pass towards his SRH title at the Lower Columbia Hunting Retriever Club's test under judges Rich Galletti and Bob Gunthers.

  • 6/23/13: Murphy earned his 2nd Started pass towards his SRH title at the Lower Columbia Hunting Retriever Club's test under judges Rich Galletti and Kate Szilard.

  • 8/17/13: Murphy earned his 3rd Started pass towards his SRH title at the Whistling Wings Hunting Retriever Club's test under judges Toni Pace and Rich Galletti.

  • 8/18/13: Murphy finished his Started Hunting Retriever (SHR) title at the Whistling Wings Hunting Retriever Club's test under judges Toni Pace and Ann West.

Murphy RHRC SH Test 8/11/07

Photo by Mary Burlingame

Murphy RHRC SH Test 8/11/07

Photo by Mary Burlingame

Murphy Retrieving at 14.5 Years Old 

NRRC Training Day 7/16/16

Murphy 10/16/14 

Murphy 2/26/06 

Murphy 3rd JH Leg OHRC Hunt Test 5/24/03 

Obedience Highlights​

Murphy was a fun obedience dog and was trialing in Open A when he suffered a serious hock sprain after hitting the high jump at a show in March 2008.  After months of crate rest and a year of hydrotherapy and acupuncture, he no longer limped, but he was retired from any further jumping.


  • 8/21/04: Murphy earned his AKC Canine Good Citizen (CGC) title.

  • 7/30/05: Murphy earned a qualifying score and 1st place in Novice B obedience to complete the 1st leg of his CD title at the Hurricane Ridge Kennel Club show under judge Susan Oviatt.

  • 8/6/05: Murphy earned a qualifying score and 1st place in Novice B obedience to complete the 2nd leg of his CD title at the PSLRA Specialty Show under judge Chris Cornell.  Murphy was also High Scoring Dog With a Hunting Title.

  • 8/20/05: Murphy earned a qualifying score and 2nd place in Novice B obedience to complete the first leg of his CKC CD title at the British Columbia Labrador Retriever Club's Specialty Show under judge Bruce Fraser.

  • 9/24/05: Murphy earned a qualifying score in Novice B obedience to finish his AKC CD title at the Gig Harbor Kennel Club Show under judge Shirley Hubenig.  This title also completed the requirements for the Puget Sound Labrador Retriever Association's "All Around Award".

  • 11/25/06 - 11/26/06: Murphy earned qualifying scores with 2nd place finishes in Novice B obedience to complete the final two legs of his CKC CD title at the Elsie Murray Kennel Club Shows.  The judge both days was Wayne Hamilton.

  • 10/9/07 - 10/10/07: Murphy earned qualifying scores in Rally Novice B to complete the first two legs of his RN title at the Labrador Retriever Club, Inc. National Specialty Show held in Hillsboro, OR under judges Cathy Dutra (10/9) and Larry Tanner (10/10).  These qualifying scores helped Murphy earn the Dog for All Reasons Award.  This award is earned and presented at the Labrador Retriever Club, Inc. National Specialty and is sponsored by the Puget Sound Labrador Retriever Association.

  • 11/17/07: Murphy qualified in Rally Novice B to finish his Rally Novice (RN) title at the Whidbey Island Kennel Club Show under Judge Gayle George-Sackett.

Murphy (right)- 1st Place Novice B and Reilly (left) - 2nd Place Utility A

Hurricane Ridge K.C. Show 7/30/05

Photo By Randy Roberts



  • 2006 PSLRA All Around Award

  • 2007 LRC, Inc. Dog for All Reasons Award

Murphy 5/10/02

Murphy 6/2/02 

Murphy 6/16/02

Murphy Tierra Del Mar, OR  9/20/06

Murphy Tierra Del Mar, OR  8/5/08

Murphy Crater Lake, OR  6/18/10

© ReiMur Labradors 2000 - 2025. The content on this website is not public domain. Please do not download or copy our graphics without written permission. All rights reserved.


Web Design by Darlene Pado

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