Am/Can CH HR ReiMur's Good Humor Man BN CD RA JH NAP OFP WC CGC
w. 12/12/11

Larson @ 4 Years Old, Seward, Alaska 3-25-16
Larson is a fun dog with a big personality. He is named after the cartoonist Gary Larson (The Far Side) and is a goofball (he does not understand that he is too big to be a lap dog). Larson is always game for a new adventure; he is very biddable and has proven his versatility in multiple venues, including the show ring, the field, obedience and agility. He is incredibly sweet and is a wonderful puppy sitter. He and Fergus are best buds and are otherwise known as "Frick and Frack". Life is definitely a ball with Larson in it.
Nobody can fully understand the meaning of love unless he’s owned by a dog. ~Gene Hill
AKC Registration: SR70618903
CKC ERN 12001189
UKC Registration: R239-841
Microchip: 073 082 580
Breeder: Darlene Pado, Barbara Ironside, Don Ironside
Owner: Darlene Pado
For reference only - Larson is retired from breeding.
Hips: OFA Good LR-208053G27M-VPI; PennHIP 90th %tile LDI=.33; RDI=.31
Elbows: OFA Normal LR-EL61372M24-VPI
Heart: ECHO Clear LR-CA6862/21M/C-VPI-ECHO
Eyes: ACVO Clear @ 7 Weeks (1/30/12) and Annually - LR-EYE2191/81M-PI
Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA/prcd): Clear (Optigen)
Retinal Dysplasia/OSD: Clear (Optigen)
Exercise Induced Collapse (EIC): Clear (U of MN)
Centronuclear Myopathy (CNM): Clear (Alfort)
Hereditary Nasal Parakeratosis (HNPK): n/HNPK Carrier (Animal Genetics)
Copper Toxicosis (ATP7B): WT/M - At Risk/"Carrier" (Pawprint Genetics)
Copper Toxicosis (ATP7A): M/Y - 1 Copy of Protective Gene (PPG)
D Locus (Dilute): D/D - Non Dilute - Clear (DDC)
Coat Color: BBEE: Dominate Black (DDC)
Full Dentition LR-DE107/24M-VPI (OFA)

Banbury's After a While Crocodile
Pucketts Bunnie of Rosehill

Larson 7-9-14

Larson 7-29-16

Larson 6-8-15

Larson 4-24-15

Larson 2/2/13 at Discovery Park, Seattle
Photo by Mindy Wilson

Larson 2/2/13 at Discovery Park, Seattle
Photo by Mindy Wilson

Larson 6-13-17

Larson 6-12-17

Larson 10-14-14

Larson 3-25-16
Show Highlights​
Larson finished his Canadian Championship in limited showing; he finished his AKC Championship with 19 points, 2 majors and 3 major reserves with multiple wins from the classes over specials.
10/24/13: 1st Open Black Island and Pacific Labrador Retriever Club Specialty (CKC) under breeder judge Carole Coode (Warringah). Below is her critique of Larson:
"1st Pado’s Reimur’s Good Humor Man, 22 month old, kind and gentle masculine head, with good length of muzzle, kind eye. Well made front and rear quarters, excellent through the rib, loin topline and tailset. Well turned stifle, moving out well on good legs and feet, correct double coat with hard feel to the hand."
10/26/13: 1st Open Black/WD/BOW Vancouver Kennel Club Show under judge Yvonne Savard (1 Point AKC).
10/27/13: 1st Open Black/WD/BOW Vancouver Kennel Club Show 10/27/13 under judge Dr. Robert D. Smith (1 Point AKC).
10/17/14: 1st American Bred Golden Gate Labrador Retriever Club Specialty (Pleasanton, CA) under breeder judge Heather Wiles-Fone (Heatherbourne). Below is her critique of Larson:
American Bred 1st: ReiMur's Good Humor Man JH - "Well balanced black presented in good firm condition, pleasing in head, kind expression with dark eye, good front and strong legs, deep through the body, exc. coat, showed with verve and moved with purpose."
10/19/14: 4th Open Black GGLRC Supported Entry at the Del Valle Dog Club of Livermore Show (Pleasanton, CA) under breeder judge Margaret Wilson (Shadowglen).
12/13/14: 1st Open/WD/BOW/BOB over specials Auld Lang Syne Dog Association Show (Chilliwack, BC) under judge Mrs. W. Maisey (5 Points CKC).
2/6/15: 3rd Open Black Sahuaro State Kennel Club show (Papago LRC designated specialty) under breeder judge Dr. Micheal J. Woods (Waterdog)
2/7/15: 1st Open Black Papago Labrador Retriever Club of Greater Phoenix specialty show under breeder judge Greg Lynch (Kellyn).
3/27/15: 1st Open/WD/BOW Oceanside Kennel Club Show (Cloverdale, B.C.) under judge Dr. Tomas Jakkel (3 Points CKC).
3/28/15: 1st Open/WD Oceanside Kennel Club Show (Cloverdale, B.C.) under judge Janet Buchanan (3 Points CKC). NEW CANADIAN CHAMPION!
3/29/15: Select Dog (over 4 specials) Oceanside Kennel Club Show (Cloverdale, B.C.) under judge Ricardo Torre-Simoes (4 GCH Points CKC)
4/18/15: 1st Open Black/WD/BOW Palouse Hills Dog Fanciers Show (Lewiston, ID) under Judge Eva Berg (2 Points AKC).
6/28/15: 1st Open Black/WD/BOW/BOB over 2 specials Bell Vernon Kennel Club Show (Mount Vernon, WA) under judge Janet Buchanan (2 Points AKC).
7/11/15: 1st Open Black/WD/BOW/BOB Inland Empire Kennel Club Show (Coeur D'Alene, ID) under judge Patricia Trotter (1 Point AKC).
7/12/15: 1st Open Black/RWD Inland Empire Kennel Club Show (Coeur D'Alene, ID) under Jon Cole.
10/7/15: 2nd (to WD) Open Black LRC, Inc. Parent Club Specialty under Robert Shreve.
10/9/15: 4th Open Black LRC, Inc. National Specialty under breeder judge Pluis Davern (Sundowners).
10/9/15: 1st Hunting Dog LRC, Inc. National Specialty under breeder judge Pluis Davern (Sundowners).
1/21/16: 2nd Open Black/RWD (to a major) Tualatin Kennel Club show under judge Leita Estes.
2/5/16: 1st Open Black and pulled for WD consideration at the Sporting Dog Association of Arizona specialty show under judge Suzanne Dillin.
2/6/16: 3rd Open Black Papago Labrador Retriever Club of Greater Phoenix specialty show under judge David Flanagan.
3/26/16: 1st BBE/RWD (to a major) at the Tanana Valley Kennel Club Show under judge Patricia Mowbray-Morgan.
4/22/16: 1st Open Black/WD/BOS over a special at the Palouse Hills Dog Fanciers, Inc. Show under judge Gregory Anderson (1 Point AKC).
4/23/16: 1st Open Black/WD/BOS over a special at the Palouse Hills Dog Fanciers, Inc. Show under judge Honey Glendinning (1 Point AKC).
5/22/16: 1st Open Black/RWD (to a major) at the Bell Vernon Kennel Association show under judge Jacqueline Stacy.
10/15/16: 1st Open Black/WD/BOW/BOB over 3 specials at the Lizard Butte Kennel Club Show under judge Linda Clark. Unfortunately the major did not hold.
10/16/16: 1st Open Black/WD/BOW at the Lizard Butte Kennel Club Show under judge Robert Shreve. Unfortunately the major did not hold.
11/16/16: 1st Open Black/WD/BOW for a major at the Whidbey Island Kennel Club Show under judge Leita Estes (3 Points AKC).
1/13/17: 1st Open Black/WD/BOW for a major at the Rainier Sporting Dog Specialty Show under judge Richard Anton (3 Points AKC). NEW AKC CHAMPION!
7/15/17: 1st Hunting Dog and Best Hunting Retriever in Specialty at RCLRC under Margaret Wilson (Shadowglen).
8/6/17: 1st Hunting Dog and Best Hunting Retriever in Specialty at PSLRA under Tom Shearer (Bonaventure).
8/6/17: 1st Versatility Dog and Best Versatility in Specialty at PSLRA under Tom Shearer (Bonaventure).
7/7/18: Select Dog/NOHS BOB at the Tacoma Kennel Club Show under judge Richard Anton; 2nd Place in the NOHS Sporting Group under judge Lee Herr.
9/29/18: Select Dog (over a special) at the Richland Kennel Club show under judge Leita Estes.
6/29/19: Best of Breed out of the Veteran Class at the Mount Bachelor Kennel Club Show under judge Linda Kelly.
8/8/21: 1st 9-11 Veteran Dogs/Best Veteran Dog in Specialty at the PSLRA Specialty show under breeder judge Dr. Kathryn Sneider, VMD (Aquarius)

Larson Best Hunting Retriever RCLRC 7/15/17
Photo By Elaine Rushton

Larson WD/BOW Rainier Sporting Dog Specialty 1/13/17
New Champion
Photo By Randy Roberts

Larson WD/BOW/BOB Bell Vernon KC 6/28/15
Photo By Randy Roberts

Larson WD/BOW Palouse Hills Dog Fanciers 4/8/15
Photo By Randy Roberts

Larson WD/BOW Vancouver KC 10/26/13
First Point
Photo By Randy Roberts

Larson on the move LRC, Inc National October 2015
Photo By Kathleen Riley
Field Highlights​
5/25/13: Larson earned the 1st leg of his Junior Hunter Title at the Oregon Hunting Retriever Club's double-header test under judges Kim Shade and John Schulte.
5/26/13: Larson earned the 2nd leg of his Junior Hunter Title at the Oregon Hunting Retriever Club's double-header test under judges Dave Christianson and Lori Eaton.
6/22/13: Larson earned his 1st Started pass towards his SRH title at the Lower Columbia Hunting Retriever Club's test under judges Rich Galletti and Bob Gunthers.
6/23/13: Larson earned his 2nd Started pass towards his SRH title at the Lower Columbia Hunting Retriever Club's test under judges Rich Galletti and Kate Szilard.
6/30/13: Larson earned the 3rd leg of his Junior Hunter Title at the Evergreen Golden Retriever Club's test under judges Kim Dotson and Chris Dotson.
7/7/13: Larson finished his Junior Hunter Title at the Rose City Labrador Retriever Club's test under judges Kim Dotson and Chris Dotson.
8/17/13: Larson earned his 3rd Started pass towards his SRH title at the Whistling Wings Hunting Retriever Club's test under judges Toni Pace and Rich Galletti.
8/18/13: Larson finished his Started Hunting Retriever (SHR) Title at the Whistling Wings Hunting Retriever Club's test under judges Toni Pace and Ann West.
10/12/13: Larson earned his Working Certificate title at the LRC, Inc. WC Test under judges Kristi Clark and Juxi Burr.
6/21/14: Larson earned his 1st Seasoned pass towards his HR title at the Lower Columbia Hunting Retriever Club's test under judges Boyd Ulsh and Paul Putkey.
8/17/14: Larson earned his 2nd Seasoned pass towards his HR title at the Whistling Wings HRC Summer Hunt under judges Boyd Ulsh and Kate Szilard.
4/25/15: Larson earned the 1st leg of his CKC JH title at the BCLRC Hunt Test (Bridal Falls, BC) under judges Janet Healy and Peter Brunold.
4/26/15: Larson earned the 2nd leg of his CKC JH title at the BCLRC Hunt Test (Bridal Falls, BC) under judges Cheryl Young and Rick Regamble.
5/2/15: Larson finished his CKC JH title at the Golden Retriever Club of B.C.'s Hunt Test (Abbotsford, BC) under judges Allyson Fennell and Sophia Fanous.
9/12/15: Larson earned his CKC Working Certificate (WC) title at the Golden Retriever Club of B.C.'s WC/I/X test under judges Sherrill Smith and Diana Wilson.
8/24/18: Larson finished his Hunting Retriever (HR) title at the Lower Columbia Hunting Retriever Club's test under judges Sam Pace and Toni Pace.

Larson GRCBC Hunt Test 5/2/17
Photo By Patricia Nilsson

Larson RCLRC Hunt Test 7/7/13
Photo By Julie Higgins
Obedience Highlights​
10/5/15: Larson earned the 1st leg of his Rally Novice title with a score of 90 at the Labrador Retriever Club, Inc. National Specialty Rally Trial #1 under judge Ms. Virginia L. Kinion.
10/5/15: Larson earned the 2nd leg of his Rally Novice title with a score of 93 at the Labrador Retriever Club, Inc. National Specialty Rally Trial #2 under judge Mrs. Charlotte Mielziner.
10/6/15: Larson finished his Rally Novice title with a score of 88 at the Labrador Retriever Club, Inc. National Specialty Rally Trial #3 under judge Ms. Virginia L. Kinion. Larson now meets the requirements for the PSLRA All Around Award.
7/24/16: At the Portland Kennel Club, Inc. obedience trial, Larson earned a qualifying score and 4th place his first time in the Beginner Novice B ring to complete the first leg of his BN title under judge Carl P. Lentz.
8/7/16: At the PSLRA Specialty obedience trial, Larson earned a qualifying score and 2nd place in Beginner Novice B to complete the 2nd leg of his BN title under judge Karla Curtis.
9/24/16: At the Gig Harbor Kennel Club show, Larson earned a qualifying score and 2nd place in Beginner Novice B to complete his Beginner Novice (BN) title in 3 straight trials under judge Richard Lewis.
8/5/17: Larson earned his CGC title at the PSLRA Specialty show.
10/28/17: At the Vancouver Kennel Club Show, Larson qualified with 4th Place in Novice B Obedience to earn the 1st leg of his CD title under judge Richard Lewis.
11/4/17: At the Chuckanut Dog Training Association trial, Larson qualified in Novice B Obedience to earn the 2nd leg of his CD title under judge Christopher Cornell.
1/14/18: At the Gig harbor Kennel Club Show, Larson qualified in Novice B Obedience to finish his CD title under judge Shirley Spall.
2/17/18: At the Nisqually Kennel Club Obedience Trial, Larson qualified in Rally Advanced B with a score of 93 and 3rd place to earn the 1st leg of his RA title under judge Nancy Grimm.
2/18/18: At the Nisqually Kennel Club Obedience Trial, Larson qualified in Rally Advanced B to earn the 2nd leg of his RA title under judge Alice Peterson.
3/24/18: At the Peninsula Dog Fanciers Association's Rally Trial, Larson qualified in Rally Advanced B with a score of 93 to finish his RA title.

Larson New RN Title 10/6/15
Agility Highlights​
12/9/16: At the American Manchester Terrier Club's Agility Trial, Larson qualified in Novice Agility Preferred with first place to earn the 1st leg of his NAP title under judge Lauren Duckworth.
12/10/16: At the American Manchester Terrier Club's Agility Trial, Larson qualified in Novice Agility Preferred with first place to earn the 2nd leg of his NAP title under judge Lori Sage.
12/11/16: At the Western Washington Hound Association's Agility Trial, Larson qualified in Novice Agility Preferred with first place to finish his Novice Agility Preferred (NAP) title under judge Lauren Duckworth. He also qualified in Novice FAST Preferred with first place to earn the 1st leg of his NFP title under judge Lori Sage. Larson now meets the requirements for the PSLRA Versatility Award.
5/6/17: At the Sno-King Agility Trial, Larson qualified in Novice FAST Preferred with 2nd place to earn the 2nd leg of his NFP title under judge Susan Leitner.
5/21/17: At the Seattle Kennel Club Agility Trial, Larson qualified in Novice FAST Preferred with 1st place to finish his Novice FAST Preferred (NFP) title under judge Debby Wheeler.
10/1/17: At the Evergreen Belgian Tervuren Club's Agility Trial, Larson qualified with 2nd place in Open FAST Preferred to earn the 1st leg of his OFP title under judge Dale Mahoney.
10/27/17: At the Evergreen Afghan Hound Club's Agility Trial, Larson qualified with 1st Place in Open FAST Preferred to earn the 2nd leg of his OFP title under judge Pam Sturtz.
11/11/17: At the Sno-King Agility Trial, Larson qualified with 1st Place in Open FAST Preferred to finish his OFP title under judge Dan Faulkner. He also qualified with 1st Place in Open Standard Preferred to earn the first leg of his OAP title under judge Art Brest.

Larson SKC Agility Trial 5/21/17
Photo by Nina Sage

Larson SKC Agility Trial 5/21/17
Photo by Nina Sage
Larson earned the PSLRA All Around and Versatility Awards in 2018.

Larson @ 6 Weeks 1/22/12

Larson @ 8 Weeks 2/5/12

Larson @ 8 Weeks 2/5/12

Larson @ 9.5 Weeks 2/18/12

Larson @ 4 Months 4/7/12

Larson @ 4 Months 4/15/12

Larson @ 6.5 Months 6/30/12

Larson @ 10.5 Months 10/27/12

Larson @ 3.5 Years 7/7/14