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ReiMur's Marge Simpson CD BN RE JH CGCA CC


12/12/11 - 3/6/21

Margie Enjoying the Beach at Pacific City, OR July 2014


AKC Certified Pedigree

AKC Registration: SR70618901

CKC ERN 14000964

Microchip: 073 098 617 

Breeder: Darlene Pado, Barbara Ironside, Don Ironside

Owners: Darlene Pado, Elizabeth O'Callaghan

Margie was loved by and lived with Liz O'Callaghan



Margie's OFA Page

Hips: OFA Good LR-206570G24F-VPI

Elbows: OFA Normal LR-EL61346F24-VPI

Heart: ECHO Clear LR-CA7703/33F/C-VPI-ECHO

Eyes: ACVO Clear @ 8 Weeks and Annually - LR-EYE4994/57F-VPI

Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA/prcd): Clear (Optigen)

Retinal Dysplasia/OSD: Clear (Optigen)

Exercise Induced Collapse (EIC): Carrier (U of MN)

Centronuclear Myopathy (CNM): Clear (Alfort)

Hereditary Nasal Parakeratosis (HNPK): n/HNPK Carrier (Animal Genetics)

Degenerative Myelopathy (DM): Clear (DDC)

Copper Toxicosis (ATP7B): WT/M - At Risk/"Carrier" (Pawprint Genetics)

Copper Toxicosis (ATP7A): WT/M - 1 Copy of Protective Gene (PPG)

D Locus (Dilute): D/D - Non Dilute - Clear (DDC)

L Locus (Long Coat gene): Clear (DDC)

Coat Color: BBEe: Black Carrying Yellow (DDC)

Full Dentition LR-DE108/24F-VPI (OFA)

Margie July 2014

Margie 1/31/15

Margie 10/10/13

Margie 1/26/13

Margie 1/15/12

Margie 4/4/15

Margie May 2015

Margie 2/5/12

Field Highlights​

Margie has a lot of drive in the field and quickly earned her JH title in 4 out of 4 tests, trained and handled by Butch Higgins.  Thank you to co-owner Liz O'Callaghan for giving Margie the opportunity to prove herself in the field.  Liz and Margie attended PSLRA's

2013 Field Training Day 2/23/13, where Margie received an intro to birds.  Here are links to videos of Margie's First  and Second retrieves. 


  • 5/3/15: Margie earned the 1st leg of her Junior Hunter title at the PSLRA hunt test under judges Dianne Clark and Liz Skyllingstad.

  • 5/17/15: Margie earned the 2nd leg of her Junior Hunter title at the Salem Retriever Trial Club's hunt test under judges 5/3/15: At the PSLRA Spring Hunt test, Margie earned her first JH ribbon under judges Regina Chewning and Liz Skyllingstad.

  • 5/23/15: Margie earned the 3rd leg of her Junior Hunter title at the Oregon Hunting Retriever Club's hunt test under judges Mary Beth Lab and Pat Boydston.

  • 5/24/15: Margie went 4 for 4 to finish her Junior Hunter (JH) title at the Oregon Hunting Retriever Club's hunt test under judges Laurice Williams and Dianne Clark.

  • 6/7/15: Margie earned the 1st leg of her HRC Started title at the Whistling Wings HRC test (handled by co-owner Liz O'Callaghan) under judges Rich Galetti and Nick Pezzillo.

  • 4/10/16: Margie earned the 2nd leg of her HRC Started title at the Cascade HRC test (handled by co-owner Darlene Pado).


Margie 4/4/15

Obedience Highlights​

Margie is co-owner Liz O'Callaghan's Novice A obedience dog.


  • 3/7/13: Margie earned her Canine Good Citizen (CGC) title.

  • 11/16/13: Margie earned the 1st leg of her Rally Novice (RN) title at the Whidbey Island Kennel Club show under judge Judi James.

  • 11/17/13: Margie earned the 2nd leg of her Rally Novice (RN) title at the Whidbey Island Kennel Club show under judge Judi James.

  • 1/12/14 Margie finished her Rally Novice (RN) title and earned the 1st leg of her Beginner Novice (BN) title with 4th Place at the Tacoma Kennel Club show under judge Rick Garvin.

  • 8/2/14: Margie earned a bonus Rally Novice Leg (with 1st Place) and her Canine Good Citizen Advanced (CGCA) title at the PSLRA Specialty show, where she also participated in team rally.

  • 11/1/14: Margie earned the 2nd leg of her Beginner Novice (BN) title with a score of 191.5 and 1st Place at the Chuckanut Dog Training Association's obedience trial.

  • 11/2/14: Margie finished her Beginner Novice (BN) title with a score of 194.5 and 2nd Place at the Chuckanut Dog Training Association's obedience trial.

  • 5/20/16: Margie earned the 1st leg of her Rally Advanced (RA) title with a score of 96 and 3rd Place at the Mount Baker Kennel Club show under judge Bruce Fraser.

  • 5/21/16: Margie earned the 2nd leg of her Rally Advanced (RA) title with a score of 90 at the Mount Baker Kennel Club show under judge Margaret Chandler.

  • 5/22/16: Margie finished her Rally Advanced (RA) title with a score of 98 and 3rd Place at the Bell Vernon Kennel Club show under judge Bruce Fraser.

  • 8/21/16: Margie earned the 1st leg of her Rally Excellent (RE) title at the Olympic Kennel Club show under judge Laurie Beck.

  • 9/24/16: Margie earned the 2nd leg of her Rally Excellent (RE) title with 4th Place at the Gig Harbor Kennel Club show under judge Susie Osborn.  She also earned the 1st leg of her Companion Dog (CD) obedience title with 1st Place under judge Judi A. James.

  • 9/25/16: Margie finished her Rally Excellent (RE) title at the Gig harbor Kennel Club show under judge Judi A. James.

  • 10/21/16: Margie earned the 2nd leg of her Companion Dog (CD) title with 1st Place at the Wenatchee Kennel Club show under judge Chris Cornell.

  • 10/22/16: Margie finished her Companion Dog (CD) title with 1st Place at the Wenatchee Kennel Club show under judge Judi A. James.

  • 10/23/16: Margie earned the 1st leg of her Companion Dog Excellent (CDX) title with 1st Place at the Wenatchee Kennel Club show under judge Chris Cornell.

  • 10/22/17: Margie qualified in Open A Obedience with 1st Place to earn the 2nd leg of her CDX title at the Wenatchee Kennel Club show under judge Alvin Eng. 

Margie CD Title Wenatchee KC 10/22/16

Photo by Randy Roberts



Margie earned her LRC, Inc. Conformation Certificate (CC) 9/9/17 under breeder judges Nina Mann (Harbortop) and Diann Sullivan (Cedarwood).

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Web Design by Darlene Pado

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